
Final closure of old Pete's

Sunday, 21-Apr 2013 @ 12:16am

Peter never liked the bottom of Pete's Trail.  It was pushed through by someone else and was always eroded.  When the new sections of Pete's Trail below the North Street Fire Road were opened three weeks ago, we started to close the section of Pete's destined for "revegetation".  Today, Michael (from Lennox Head), Ash and I finished that task.

Here are some before, during and after pics, starting at the bottom

Drains and other closure materials should see this place return to nature fast

Past the almost contour trail at the very bottom you used to turn hard left and enter the "Erosion Zone".  I did not get a pic before we started working on the steep, left hand corner, but you can see where deep erosion is being filled with soil and a water bar and drain has been started.  There are a series of waterbars, like steps here at the end

Farther up the trail were a variety of flat and eroded sections which needed combinations of drains and soil to protect roots, plus added debris

All the skinny branches were cuttings from the new section of Pete's, stored by the trail.  They looked terrible there, so now the new section looks better and the old section is closed better too.  Up top, the trail was already seriously closed

A number of riders came through the new section of Pete's Trail from the old line today.  All the trails are drying and tacky.  There were lots of smiles on new lower Pete's. 

Goodbye old Pete's - New Pete's is about 800-1000m longer as well as a better ride.  Yippee

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