
Last week of a big year on the trails

Sunday, 29-Dec 2013 @ 10:37pm

This week on Three Hills we have made more progress, although limited by incredibly stony terrain above the log ride.  Last week we were here

Due to the proximity of riders on current trail and after vandals removed previous signs, we decided to upgrade signs on both ends of the new trail.  They may state the trail is closed, but apparently that says something else to the riders who continue to pass the signs and leave without helping

The log ride is now mostly done - we still have to discuss a lower end exit ramp with QPWS and get a consensus before the public do whatever they want with what we don't complete  

We dug drains under the log at a manufactured low point.  They provide a 10-15cm outlet for water and debris.  After a storm tonight, we will see how the first test went

In addition, we had to dig out a load more rotted timber and fill the hole with a large amount of stone and rock just before the log

Other tests were made

after we moved farther up into some faceted, stony soil where metres were slowly aquired along with all the stone for the log ride, corrals and more was saved for later use

After the high point over the stony knoll, we have a short distance of vulnerable and fairly flat terrain up to the final creek crossing.  In this area, subtle grade reversals and outsloping have to handle water movement over and through soil that is likely to get less and less durable with altitude.  We started with a gentle drain, but were chased out by a storm.  Hopefully tomorrow we will see something more clear about our efforts than in these final dingy pics

Next post in 2014.  Happy New Year


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