
Norco Flow 24.3.13

Saturday, 30-Mar 2013 @ 1:35am

Well, first of all, sorry for the very late update - been busy.

Volunteers present: Kurt, Nathan, Jack, Bob, Myself.

Thank you to all volunteers for their continued efforts, support and enthusiam. I'd also like to welcome Bob, our new recruit to the team. Hope you enjoyed yourself last Sunday.

As usual for safety reasons, the top section of trail was closed with barrier mesh fencing including trail closure notification prior to commencement of the mornings activities.

Waypoint 91 completed + 20m of trail.

This was a continuation from the previous week's jump rebuild. We also re-benched and dressed an additional 20m of existing trail on the downhill side of the jump. Outslope drainage points were added at stratigic locations to assist with rainwater runoff. This section is considered 100% complete, however may require additional fill and re-profiling on the jump as the soil settles in. Here's a photo sequence:

We added additional rock armouring to the outslope side of the jump, topped with soil, a nice looking log corral was also used to help hold the fresh soil in place.

The "B" line is now permanently closed, no longer required as the jump is a rollable feature. We transplanted some native grasses and spread leaf litter over the area to assist with natural regrowth.

There is no trail work scheduled over Easter, we are going riding, our bikes have grown cobwebs from lack of use.

Ride safe,



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