Thunderstorm Season
Thunderstorm season arrived while I was in south coastal NSW. Three Hills Singletrack, Brett's and Pete's have been buffed up by the rains for sure. As yet there seems to be almost no water below the surface.
Pete's and lower Pete's (Pete's Extension) have been signposted while I was away. That's a cool thing. It has been a long time coming.
Ash is preparing to move house, so Doug and I went up Three Hills this afternoon to get caught in the edge of a thunderstorm and prepare the trail line for work to come. We dug out lots of cat claw vine and dead saplings it had choked, some stump bases and pushed down a dead tree to make the corridor more ready for the next dig day.
Here's how it looks now we are within spitting distance of the base of hill 3, starting with looking back down the trail and then walking up the future trail line
So now a rider's perspective going downhill from above
Perhaps we will get some easier digging on this less severe terrain. Perhaps not depending on the soil type.
Also, we saw a scub turkey on the trail this week. We have never seen one above the velodrome area, so hopefully it means they are multiplying and looking for new terrain.
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