Perhaps the most important element of trail maintenance (after clearing blocked drains in a torrential rain event), is maintaining safe and sensible sightlines. Improved rider confidence and progression of riding skills is not something just taken home by the rider. It also translates into less braking ruts, less blown out trail, safer riding and also a riding line or lines dictated by riders, rather than the trail builder alone. It is hard to present the process and result of improving sightlines in pictures. Even riders familiar with a "groomed" trail may not know why it looks and rides better. I will try.
On Wednesday afternoon we did final trim on the second hill line for opening. Over the next 2-3 working days we will construct the line through the creek at the top and the temporary access to it, plus the bottom merge and then the trail can be opened.
Today we worked near Way Point 85 on Three Hills Singletrack between Barney's and the new trail. This Way Point is now complete (pending a good rainfall and re-check). For some years we have wanted to see this bit of trail ride better. Growing trees and cut lumbar have encroached on the trail creating pinch points. In a few years, riders with wide bars will not pass between the trunks. Here's how things changed, starting with the trail realignment from above
and below
If you remember the last time you rode this section of trail, then you remember ducking to avoid losing an eye on dead branches and bushes etc. It's better now
We also trimmed the sightlines above this point because when the new trail is opened, the average speed through here will increase and seeing ahead from both sides will be more important
The following pics are going to be hard to interpret as there are no before views. However, here's how the bottom half of the new trail looks after our efforts
One of the key corners is just above the old Jack's Track crossing. Speeds are high due to trail grade, limited trail width, pkus sightlines obstructed by terrain contours, piles of fallen debris, dead branches still on saplings and other dead vegetation. Now there is a much better field of view. We believe it has increased the range a cyclist can be seen by 30+ meters
Farther up the trail, you can now see for miles
We are looking forward to getting this section open ASAP
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