
Real progress today - time to relax?

Monday, 31-Dec 2012 @ 10:29pm

Answer - we feel some sense of relief after a holiday week of hard work.  All the critical parts of Pete's re-route are done apart from needing rain and time for the trail to settle more, finishing the top and bottom entrances, hoping riders don't storm the trail despite the closures we have had to erect now the trail has become quite visible, turning the log ride into a great technical trail feature, building the new section that joins across the North Street Fire Road, we can now relax??!!  Perhaps not quite yet....

We made real progress today.  Starting at the bottom, we added another gentle jump/descending/ascending line, cleared the trail path of saplings and larger fallen debris below the built trail and all that is now needed is to make the connecting section of trail to the closed Downhill Track and the completed section of lower Pete's.  The pics were taken after we added the closure debris - strange closing a trail that has not been opened.

There's still a short section of  trail to be made before we reach the lower Pete's section.  We removed most of the saplings on that line, but that left an even more obvious entrance to the trail.  We had to visibly close that as well.  

How do you win - hope no-one (else) uses the trail, or make the trail more obvious by erecting closures?

Then we moved up to the top of the trail and removed more saplings, a really nasty burned hardwood stump, bunches of vines trying to strangle the other trees and basically fashioned the last turn before the log ride and exit onto the fire road.  Again, we added some debris to discourage premature trail use.

Here are  a couple of random pics.  The pile of harvested dirt offers a better view of the valley and the line we adjusted near an exposed stump earlier this week seems to be a good one.  Also, thanks to Rob who picked up the tools when he came to visit.

So that's it for 2012.  Have a great New Year (any minute now) and see you on the trails in 2013.

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