

Friday, 30-Aug 2013 @ 2:10pm

Today it was time to try out a new tool.  We used the smallest of 3 saws Ash bought recently - nice and sharp.  

Where we plan to work next had a couple of trees down over the line.  We could ask QPWS to cut them, but it is hardly an issue of importance to the rangers and would not be a priority.  So this is what we did with the above issue


The next log was incredibly hard and had to be cut in three places to clear the trail line

The last thing today was preparing the entry onto a future log skinny.  An angled entry will be built out of stones, like on lower Pete's Trail.   The main trail line will be uphill of this alternate line

A new log skinny - "I'm hearin ya"

Tomorrow we ride.  On Sunday we start doing geotechnical surveys on the trail which we want to host build days on starting next weekend.  To summarise; if the pick and soil come to a cooperative agreement, it's game on for Three Hill Singletrack again.  Woo Hoo!

Have a great long weekend riding.  We need you fit and happy


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